Phase 5 – Publishing Your Podcast

Step 17: Media Hosting

What is a media hosts and why do you need one? In summary, media hosts are services that store your podcast and allow listeners to listen, download and subscribe to your offering. A common misconception is that podcasters upload their podcasts directly to platforms such as iTunes. However, this is not what happens. To upload your podcast, you need to sign up with a media hosting service that will host your audio files. You can either place the audio files in your existing website or set up a website on their site to deliver the audio files.

Normally, a media host will often give you a free website after signing up. For a hobbyist, this is a perfect option. However, if you want more tools, more control and to create your unique brand, then you will need to have your own website from a developer or by creating one on WordPress. If you already have a website, you will only need to install podcasting tools on your website and you are good to go. Upon hosting your podcast with your chosen media host, you can then proceed to submit it for listing on various directories. From these directories, audiences can find, listen, download and subscribe to your episodes.

What Next?

Congratulations! You have launched your podcast, it is out in the world and leaving an impact to listeners. What next? You will now have to think about promotion and building your listener base.